$37.00 USD

14-Day Relief in Your Grief Challenge

Are you needing some relief from your grief? I have an exciting new offering coming soon that will help you get exactly that.

My 14 Day Relief in Your Grief Challenge brings you powerful, impactful, bite size daily content alongside the perfect meditation.

One of the biggest struggles I hear from my members and clients is that they just need some relief from the stress, sadness, and pain that grief and loss can cause. But here’s the thing: so many people are lost and unsure about where to start. This can feel like a HUGE thing to tackle, so we’re doing it together, and we’re starting with just 14 days.

Give me two weeks and I will help you begin to take that anxiety, heartache, and anguish and turn it into peace, clarity, and hope as you move forward.

Here are some of the things we'll cover:
  • Power of your “why"
  • Sitting in stillness and the art and essence of just being
  • Connecting to your breath
  • Presence and grounding
  • Emotional self regulation
  • Your nervous system
  • Higher vs. lower brain thinking
  • Releasing judgment
  • Being realistic and motivated moving forward
  • Keeping the momentum long term
  • Energy shifting and manifesting your greatest life
These, and so much more!

Seriously, what do you have to lose by joining? Challenge your grief and give yourself some relief, my friend. I have NO doubt this 14 days will be an inspiring, uplifting, perspective changing experience for you.